Pullover Sweater

sweater-001 Girl’s Pullover Sweater-sizes 6-10

Quick and easy pullover sweater for little girls!  Free PDF download available at:  http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pullover-sweater

Pattern is for size 6, sizes 8, 10 are given in paretheses.


Skill Level: Intermediate


Supplies: 10 ½ oz. (11, 11 ½ oz.) 4 ply worsted wt. yarn, size I and K aluminum crochet hook, yarn needle.


Stitches Used: ch, sl st, sc, dc.


Gauge:  7 dc = 2 inches, 3 dc rows = 2 inches


Color changes are made at the beginning of a rnd. and worked for 2 rnds.


Directions for back:

Ribbing, with I hook:


Rnd. 1: ch 12 (13, 14), sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 1, turn.   11 (12, 13) sc.


Rnd. 2: working in back loops, sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.  11 (12, 13) sc.


Rnd. 3: repeat rnd 2 for 12 (13, 14) inches, ch 1, turn.   11 (12, 13) sc


Rnd. 4: working across top of ribbing, work 40 (42, 44) sc, ch 1, turn.   40 (42, 44) sc


Switch to K hook:


Rnd. 5: sc in each sc across, ch 3, turn.   40 (42, 44) sc


Rnd. 6: working in back loops of each stitch in this and following rnds; dc in each next sc and in each sc across, ch 3 (counts as first dc of next rnd), turn.   40 (42, 44) dc


Rnds 7-26 (28, 30): repeat rnd. 6.     40 (42, 44) dc


Rnd. 27 (29, 31): dc in next 9 dc, fasten off; skip next 20 (22, 24) dc, attach yarn in next dc, ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in next 9 dc; fasten off.



Rnds. 1- 20 (22, 24): Repeat rnds. 1-20 (22, 24) of sweater back.


Rnd. 21 (23, 25): dc  in next 15 dc; ch 3, turn.   16 dc


Rnd. 22 (24, 26): dc in next dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, dc in next 12 dc, ch 3, turn.   15 dc


Rnd. 23 (25, 27) dc in next 12 dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, ch 3, turn.    14 dc


Rnd. 24 (26, 28): dc in next dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, dc in next 10 dc, ch 3, turn.   13 dc


Rnd. 25 (27, 29): dc in next 10 dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, ch 3, turn.   12 dc


Rnd. 26 (28, 30): dc in next dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, dc in next 8 dc, ch 3, turn.   11 dc


Rnd. 27 (29, 31): dc in next 8 dc, dec dc over next 2 dc; fasten off.    10 dc


Right Front:


Rnd. 21 (23, 25): skip next 8 (10, 12) dc, attach yarn, ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in next 15 dc, ch 3, turn.   16 dc


Rnd. 22 (24, 26): dc in next 13 dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, ch 3, turn.   15 dc


Rnd. 23 (25, 27): dc in next dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, dc in next 11 dc, ch 3, turn.   14 dc


Rnd. 24 (26, 28): dc in next 9 dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, ch 3, turn.    13 dc


Rnd. 25 (27, 29): dc in next dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, dc in next 9 dc, ch 3, turn.   12 dc


Rnd. 26 (28, 30): dc in next 9 dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, ch 3, turn.    11 dc


Rnd. 27 (29, 31): dc in next dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, dc in next 7 dc, fasten off.   10 dc


With right sides facing, sew shoulder seams.


Neckline-K hook:


Rnd. 1: working in both loops of each st, with right side facing, attach yarn at any dc on back of sweater, sc in each st around, work 2 sc in each row, work an even number of stitches, join with sl st to beginning sc, do not turn.


Rnd. 2: ch 1, sc in each sc around, join with sl st to beginning sc, do not turn.


Rnd. 3: ch 1, sc, ch 3 in same st, sl st top of  same sc, skip next sc; *sc, ch 3, sl st in top of same sc, skip next sc*, repeat from asterisks around, join with sl st to beginning sc, fasten off.




Ribbing-I hook:


Rnd. 1: ch 8 (9, 10), sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 1, turn.  7 (8, 9) sc


Rnd. 2: working in back loops, sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.   7 (8, 9) sc

Rnd. 3: repeat rnd. 2 for 7 (8, 9) inches, ch 1, turn.   7 (8, 9) sc


Rnd. 4: working across top of ribbing, work 24 (26, 28) sc, ch 3, turn.   24 (26, 28) sc


Rnd. 5: Switch to K hook, working in back loops in this and following rnds., dc in next sc and in each sc across, ch 3, turn.    24 (26, 28) dc


Rnd. 6: dc in each dc, increasing by 2 dc, ch 3, turn.    26 (28, 30) dc


Rnd. 7: dc in each dc, ch 3, turn.   26 (28, 30) dc


Rnd. 8: repeat rnd. 6.   28 (30, 32) dc


Rnd. 9: repeat rnd. 7.   28 (30, 32) dc


Rnd. 10: repeat rnd. 6.   30 (32, 34) dc


Rnd. 11: repeat rnd. 7.   30 (32, 34) dc


Rnd. 12: repeat rnd. 6.   32 (34, 36) dc


Rnd. 13: repeat rnd. 7.   32 (34, 36) dc


Rnd. 14: repeat rnd. 6.   34 (36, 38) dc


Rnd. 15: repeat rnd. 7.   34 (36, 38) dc


Rnd. 16: repeat rnd. 6.   36 (38, 40) dc


Rnd. 17: repeat rnd. 7.   36 (38, 40) dc


Rnd. 18: repeat rnd. 6.   38 (40, 42) dc


Rnd. 19: repeat rnd. 7.   38 (40, 42) dc


Rnd. 20: repeat rnd. 6.   40 (42, 44) dc


Rnds. 21-27 (28, 30): repeat rnd. 7, fasten off.


With right sides facing, center sleeve at shoulder, sew sleeve to shoulder.  Sew up side seam of sweater and continue to sew up sleeve.


40 Comments on “Pullover Sweater”

  1. Dorothy Gregoire Says:

    Love this pattern but am wondering if there were any corrections.
    I’m having trouble with the neckline reading of the first round.It says a single crochet threw both loops of each stitch, then work 2 single crochets in each row.

  2. The pattern is actually correct, but I think I could have worded it a little better……when you sc around the neck, you will also be working some sc over the end rows that are dc’s……..so at this point, you work 2 sc over the post of the dc. I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  3. I’ve just started the cute sweater pattern. I’m not quite sure of the meaning of Round 3 and 4 in the directions for the back.

    Round 3 says to repeat Round 2 for “12 inches”…..but then Round 4 says “working across top of ribbing, work 40 sc”.

    Does this mean the 12 inch measurement should equal 40 stitches or does one increase or decrease as necessary to equal 40 stitches?

    Thanks, Laura

  4. Laura:
    Thank you for your interest in the sweater pattern-in working across the top of the ribbing, you’ll work 40 sc evenly, you may or may not have to skip a rib or add an extra sc to reach the 40 sc. I hope that helps. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

  5. Hi……Me again!

    I’m now working on the first sleeve. Round 5 says to “switch to K hook, working in back loops in this and following rnds., dc in next sc”…….etc.

    Should this not say “sc in next sc”, so it will match the front and back ribbing?? (see Rnd. 5 for back ribbing).

    Thanks, Laura

  6. The ribbing for the sleeve is not as wide as the waistband ribbing, but you
    can do it that way if you like. Patterns are really only “suggestions” and
    you should feel free to add your own personal touches. The main thing is to
    have fun and love the finished product! Adding the extra row of sc will not be a
    problem in the length of the finished sleeve.

  7. Barbara Says:

    What kind of yarn are you useing? You know it never said. and being for a child, you can not make it to heavy. Thanks a lot as I would love to make this for my grandchild.

  8. I used Red Heart Super Saver for the model, but any 4 ply worsted weight will work. The larger hooks makes it light weight.

  9. Christine Says:

    I’m one of the editors with AllFreeCrochet.com, a website dedicated to the best free crochet patterns, tips and tutorials. I just wanted to let you know we have linked to your pattern at http://www.allfreecrochet.com/Sweaters-and-Ponchos/Girls-Pullover-Sweater and I think it is such a beautiful pattern! I would absolutely love to feature this in an upcoming newsletter as I know our readers would just love it. It will also bring traffic to your site as well. If you have any other patterns you would like us to link to our feature in newsletters please let me know.

    Please let me know if this is okay.


  10. Christine:
    Thank you so much for your interest in the patterns! Please feel free to link or feature any patterns that you feel your readers may be interested in.
    If you have any questions regarding any pattern, please don’t hesitate to contact me at: cobblerscabin@m33access.com

  11. sybil Says:

    I love the pattern , but I do find it very hard to understand…You never actually tell when you are changing colors of thread in the pattern….thank you

  12. Hi Sybil:
    I didn’t include the color changes so that everyone could do it the way they wanted to. As shown….the stripes are worked every 2 rnds. After working the main color, drop from hook, pick up color 2 and work for 2 rnds, then pick the main color up and work it for 2 rnds. This way there is no need to cut the different colors as you go. Hope this helps.

  13. Renee Says:

    Came across your site several times&like your patterns.
    Notice you live in my hometown(I no longer live there). But thought
    I would give a shout out and say hello.

  14. Thanks Renee! A hearty hey from your ol’ neighbors!

  15. Renee Says:

    I lived in mio till I was 21,my family has been there since the late 30’s early 40’s.I go visit when I can,even though I only live 45 mins away. Anway my question is this I’m working on this sweater & I’m doing the size 10,to me it looks a little big for a child size 10.
    More like a teenager size or small adult. Am I doing something wrong? Because I’m following the pattern to a T.
    Thank-you so very much!

  16. Hi Renee…..we’re relative new comers……had a cabin (and I use that term loosely) for over 30 years and made the “year rnd” move when we retired, just north of the fancy new roadbridge, back by the dam.
    The chest on the size 10 should measure about 30″. The pattern is based on the size chart below. You could make it smaller by adjusting to a smaller hook size. Hope this helps.
    Girls’ Sizes
    Dimension/Size 7 8 10 12
    Chest 29 29 29.5 30 32
    Waist 23 23.5 24.5 25.5 26.5
    Hip 27 28 30 32 34
    Height 50 52 56 58.5 61
    Back-waist length 11.5 12 12.75

  17. Renee Says:

    Thank-you ever so much,yes it will help!

  18. Renee Says:

    How do you feel about people asking to use your patterns to make
    Items to sale?

  19. No problem at all, I think it’s a great compliment. Feel free to sell any completed items. I completely support the “cottage industry”!

  20. Ashley Becker Says:

    I am starting on the sleeves and on the even rows you say to increase twice. Where should the increases be placed? should they be in the same places each time? thanks =)

  21. I usually work my increases in the 2nd dc and the 2nd to last dc, to keep them evenly placed, but it really doesnt matter. You can place them anywhere.

  22. I have two skeins of Homespun. Would you recommend this pattern for that yarn, and do you think a size 8 could be completed with just the 2 skeins?
    Much obliged.

  23. I think Homespun is a bulky wt. yarn…….so it could work. You may want to use the smaller size directions and the hook recommended for Homespun, this will work out in a larger gauge.
    I’m not real sure if 2 skeins will work. If it’s 5 oz. per skein, then you would be cutting it close. If you used a different yarn for the ribbing, then you may be able to complete it with the Homespun.

  24. Mary L Wood Says:

    Excellent directions. Very cute finishedSweater I used it to make ugly Christmas sweaters for my grandchildren

  25. You’re so very welcome! Great idea!! The ugly sweaters are so popular now that the kids will love them!! Merry Christmas!

  26. Susan Williams Says:

    Hi! I’m making this for my daughter and I was wondering, what is the difference between the Front and the Right Front in the pattern? Thanks!

  27. This is where the pattern splits for the neckline and shoulder……..the stitches are worked across the right front, leaving the left side unworked……then after you finish the right side, you go back to where you left off and work the left side……….

  28. Susan Williams Says:

    Thank you! I wondered if that was the case.

  29. Anytime! My pleasure.

  30. Diane Says:

    I like making this pattern but I am having à problem with the left side front round 24 does not add up and I checked the following rounds they do not add up either,checked the right front and it is not the same as the left front?

  31. I’m not aware of any errors with this pattern. On Rnd. 21, you would work 16 dc (Small size), then the following Rnds are decreased by 1 dc, either at the beginning of the Rnd or the end of the Rnd, depending which Rnd you’re working. This will create the neckline.

  32. Diane Says:

    If you count rnd 24 it adds up to 14 dc and not 13 if I do 11 dc in the row

  33. oops…….should read: dc in next 9 dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, ch 3, turn.    13 dc
    Thanks for the heads up!

  34. Diane Says:

    Sorry to bother you again but rnd 25 is not correct either

  35. Hi Diane: I ran a quick edit, and the corrections are below. Thanks again!
    Rnd. 23 (25, 27) dc in next 12 dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, ch 3, turn.    14 dc
    Rnd. 24 (26, 28): dc in next dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, dc in next 10 dc, ch 3, turn.   13 dc
    turning ch3 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 10 = 13

    Rnd. 25 (27, 29): dc in next 10 dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, ch 3, turn.   12 dc
    turning ch3 = 1 + 1 + 10 = 12
    Rnd. 26 (28, 30): dc in next dc, dec dc over next 2 dc, dc in next 8 dc, ch 3, turn.   11 dc
    turning ch3 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 8 = 11

  36. Diane Says:

    Tky for the pattern and you are welcome😊

  37. Maxine Hansen Says:

    Please,send to my email

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