AG Button Boots-Free Pattern

Stylish little boots for The American Girl or similar 18″ doll.  A wonderful little addition to her wardrobe. Quick and easy pattern, great for beginners!

Free  PDF download:  download now

Skill Level:  Easy

Supplies: Size F/5/3.75mm  crochet hook, 25 yards Peaches and Cream cotton yarn, 4-3/8″ buttons, needle and thread.

Stitches Used: ch (chain), slst (slip stitch), sc (single crochet), scdec (decrease single crochet).

Gauge: 4 sc per inch, 4 sc rows per inch.


Directions-Left Boot

Rnd. 1: ch6, 2sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 3 ch, 3sc in next ch, working in back loops of beginning ch(s), sc in next 4 ch, join with slst to beginning sc, ch1, do not turn (in this and following rnds.)     12 sc

Rnd. 2: sc in first sc, 2sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2sc in next sc, sc in next sc, 2sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2sc in next sc, join to beginning sc, ch1.        16 sc

Rnd. 3: sc in first sc, 2sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2sc in next 2 sc, sc in next sc, 2sc in next  2 sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2sc in next 2 sc, join to beginning sc, ch1.      24 sc

Rnd. 4: working in back loops, sc in each sc around, join to beginning sc, ch1.     24 sc

Rnd. 5: working in both loops, sc in each sc around, join to beginning sc, ch1.     24 sc

Rnd. 6: sc in each sc, join to beginning sc, ch1.        24 sc

Rnd. 7: sc in first 8 sc, (scdec over next 2 sc) 4 times, sc in next 8 sc, join to beginning sc, fasten off.         20 sc

Rnd. 8: ch3, attach yarn in 5th sc on shoe, sc in each sc around, ch1, turn.     20 sc

Rnd. 9: sc in first 11 sc, scdec over next 2 sc, sc in next 6 sc, sc in next 3 ch, ch1, turn.     21 sc

Rnd. 10: sc in each sc, ch1, turn.      21 sc

Rnd. 11: sc in first 10 sc, scdec over next 2 sc, sc in next 9 sc, ch 1, turn.     20 sc

Rnd. 12: sc in each sc, ch1, turn.      20 sc

Rnd. 13: sc in each sc, fasten off.     20 sc

Directions-Right Boot

Rnds. 1-7: repeat rnds. 1-7 of Left Boot.

Rnd. 8: attach yarn in 15th sc on boot, ch1, sc in same st and sc in next 19 sc, ch4, turn.      20 sc

Rnd. 9: sc in 2nd ch from hook and sc in next 2 ch, sc in next 6 sc, scdec over next 2 sc, sc in next 11 sc, ch1, turn.      21 sc

Rnd. 10: sc in each sc, ch1, turn.       21 sc

Rnd. 11: sc in first 9 sc, scdec over next 2 sc, sc in next 10 sc, ch 1, turn.     20 sc

Rnd. 12: sc in each sc, ch1, turn.      20 sc

Rnd. 13: sc in each sc, fasten off.

Fold flap over, evenly sew buttons in place on flap (as shown) going through both thickness.

© February, 2010   Pattern may not be reprinted, republished or resold without express written permission.

73 Comments on “AG Button Boots-Free Pattern”

  1. Helen Says:

    i think there is a problem with row 3.. you only note 6 increase to go from 16 stitches to 24 stitches… perhaps you left out increasing twice before and after the sc in sc at the front of the boot???

  2. Oops……dropped a 2………..good catch! Thanks for the heads up. Now if I could just get a typist!

    Rnd. 3: sc in first sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, join to beginning sc, ch 1. 24 sc

  3. HERMINDA Says:


  4. Oh….how I wish I spoke Spanish!

  5. Anna Says:

    This is soooooooooooo cute!! I love it! My friends love it too!

  6. That’s wonderful! Thank you so much!

  7. demeny Says:

    OH my god!!!! I made a bunch of the shoe patterns this weekend, all I can say is THANK YOU!!!! Easy and fast… Can’t wait to try the button boots.Thank you again.

  8. That’s great! Thank you so much for letting me know!

  9. Louise Hendrix Says:

    You have a lot of really nice outfits for American Girl dolls.

  10. Thank you so much!

  11. Jamzine Says:

    can u plz make me a pair of theses boots in white, black, and tanish because every time i try to make it it doesn’t seem to turn out right. if u do decide that u will make it u can contact me at 678-431-6239 and i will give u the shipping information. either that or can u plz make a video on how to make it. thank u and have a blessed week.

  12. Please send me an email to and I will try to make you a pair of these………more info will follow when I get your email…….

  13. Pat Vande Zande Says:

    I am confused about round 8 of both left and right boots. When it says “attach yarn in 5th or 15th sc on shoe,” what exactly does this mean?

    These are very cute,and I am enjoying making them.


  14. Thanks for your interest in the pattern. This rnd. starts the button top. After you fasten off, count 4 (or 14) sc from where you fastened off, then attach the yarn in the very next sc.
    This gives you the side opening for the buttons. Hope this helps.


    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I felt so accomplished, being a real crochet novice, after finishing 1 boot. They are adorable and will go well with my daughter’s doll she will get for Christmas.

  16. That’s great! Sounds like you’re “hooked”!

  17. crochetergal Says:

    Spanish to English translation

    LOL I put that comment from Herminda in google translator and this came up…might be a little bit off but U get the picture

  18. crochetergal Says:

    Spanish to English translation

    LOL I put Herminda’s comment in google translator and this came up…might be a little off but U get it. TY for the cute free pattern!!!

  19. LOL…..I used an English to Spanish translation…….I hope it’s right!

    Gracias tanto! YO esperanza usted está capaz de uso ellas.

  20. Gina Says:

    Can you explain what these mean? I am a begginner.

    Stitches Used: ch, sl st, sc, dec sc.

  21. You bet… =chain stitch, sl st = slip stitch, sc = single crochet stitch, dec sc – decrease single crochet stitch (you work 1 single crochet stitch over 2 single crochet)
    Please feel free to contact me anytime if you need any assistance. Also… has a pretty good stitch dictionary with pictures and the Lion Brand site also has a stitch dictionary.

  22. Nancy Says:

    I am confused as to how you got the flap to be on the right (or rather the outside) side. After counting the 4 or 14, do you attach the yarn so that the ch 3 will be on the right side or the left side of the boot? I’ve made 2 pairs and can’t seem to get them to have that flap on the outside. What I think I am doing is trying to crochet going in the direction of the right side of the work, when I should be crocheting on the wrong side? Can you please clarifiy for me?

  23. Rnd. 8: attach yarn in 15th sc on boot, ch 1, sc in same st and sc in next 19 sc, ch 4, turn. 20 sc

    This is done from the right side. You count 14 sc frome the first sc then attach the yarn in the next stitch, work a sc in that stitch and in the next 19 sc, then do a ch 4 and turn.
    If your first sc is off center (the stitches will sometimes “creep”. Fasten off at rnd 7, fold the boot in half to find the back, center sc, attach the yarn there, and then work a sc in that sc and in the next 19 sc, then ch 4, turn…… in the 2nd ch from the hook and in the next 2 ch (this is what creates the flap) and then complete the the instructions for rnd. 9. Do not join this rnd, ch 1 and turn.
    Hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

  24. Nancy Says:

    I will give this a try and if I have more problems I’ll bet back to you. Thank you for all the AG patterns. These boots are just so cute.

  25. Thank you so much! It’s my pleasure.

  26. kity Says:

    I love this, it’s so cute! I’m a beginner and I’m trying to do this pattern, but I can’t figure out what weight yarn. What weight category yarn should I use?

  27. I used a worsted weight cotton yarn, it’s a 4 ply yarn, such as Peaches N Cream or Sugar N Cream. You could also use Red Heart Super Saver which is great for toys…’s inexpensive and wears very well.

  28. Kaylee Says:

    Hi! I’m actually only 14 years old, but I really enjoy crocheting and LOVE this pattern! I’m making some boots for my five year old cousin’s doll. I was confused about round 8, but I think i might be able to figure it out.

    Also, Herminda said:

    Hello it’s a pleasure to talk to you. I love all your makings/things. These little shoes are very…beautiful.

    Just thought you might want to know since crochetergal just used a translator!!

    Thank you so much!

  29. Kaylee Says:

    *or I love all that you make/do.


  30. Thank you both! Let me know if you have any problems with the patterns and I will try to help. On rnd. 8, ch 3, (this creates the over flap)
    attach yarn in 5th sc on shoe (if the beginning sc is off center, fold the boot in half to find the back center, then count 5 sc from there), sc in each sc around, ch 1, turn. 20 sc

    Hope this helps.

  31. Kaylee Says:

    Sorry, I’m having trouble with round nine on the right boot. It’s different from the left boot, and i just can’t figure it out!! Please help! I’m having trouble with the whole chain four. what exactly do you do with that?


  32. The chain 4 on rnd 8 is to start the flap on the opposite side. After you make the ch 4, turn and then sc in 2nd ch from hook and sc in the next 2 ch, then continue to work your sc on the boot. Hope this helps.

  33. […] are a few more things I made for Allie’s American Girl Dolls. The boots are from Cobbler’s Cabin Here are matching jumpers! Allie found it here- […]

  34. Jonna Elmore Says:

    I used homespun black wool to make these up and I think that they came out quit cute despite the small glitch in the pattern. Thank you for this nice pattern.

  35. It’s my pleasure…..Oooooh….I bet they look wonderful in black wool! Thanks so much for letting me know!

  36. crochetmama Says:

    I am still kinda new to this fun crocheting thing and I was wondering how to do the pc at the beginning this is the first time.i have seen pc before I know it is a popcorn stitch but nit aure how to do it on these cute boots

  37. I don’t show a pc in this pattern……but it would be really cute. If you are doing a sc-pc: work 5 sc in one sc, drop loop off hook, then insert hook in the first sc of the 5 sc group, pick up the dropped loop and pull through the loop on hook. If you want a dc-pc, it’s worked the same, but work 5 dc, then drop the last loop off the hook, insert hook into first dc, pick up the dropped loop and pull through. Hope this helps. P.S. There are some pretty good stitch dictionaries on the web…..Annies Attic, Crochet Cabana, Crochet Me and most of the yarn sites like Lion Brand and so on. They even have pictures! Hope this helps.

  38. crochetmama Says:

    Oh your rnd 1 says pc, ch 6 is it just ch 6?

  39. Oh dear….that is a typo……it is just ch 6. Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention.

  40. crochetmama Says:

    No problem I was bummed cause I couldnt get the boots to look good with it now they are looking great thanks for the amazing pattern

  41. My pleasure….and my apologies for the confusion…’s my fat fingers and poor typing skills…..but I should have caught that one!

  42. Gabriella Says:

    Can we sell the BOOTS NOT the pattern?

    Its fine if I can’t just wondering 🙂

  43. Absolutely! Wishing you lots of success with your venture.

  44. LuAnn Says:

    Rnd 9 & 11: Is the scdec suppose to be over the very front center of the boot or off to the side? Darling pattern! Can’t wait to give them to my granddaughters. Thank you for sharing!

  45. It does……sometimes you will get a “creeping” in the sc’s when working in the rnd. To avoid this, join in the very first st in the last joining, work the sc’s around, skipping the very last sc. doing this will keep the join right in the middle. Hope this make sense. If you have any other questions, just give me a shout.

  46. LuAnn Says:

    Sorry to be so dense. I feel like I’m joining in the side middle and my little tabs look right. But then it tells me to scdec over next 2 sc before I reach the center front of the boot. So, am I doing the decrease off to the side of center front or should it always been in the center front of the little boot. Thanks!

  47. It should be in the center…..when working this, your back center, where you join each rnd will “creep” …..moving the joining st over, away from the center. When joining……slst to the loops of the joining stitch instead of the first sc…….then complete the next rnd…..count as you go……you may need to skip the last sc……..When working the button flap……starting at rnd 8……do not join, just ch1 and turn,

  48. LuAnn Says:

    Thank you. They are so very cute!

  49. My pleasure…..anytime!

  50. rileydoll98 Says:

    When I start row two, do I sc in the stitch that I joined on the previous row or do I sc on the next sc? Thanks so much. Linda wernette

  51. I like to sc in the joining st… keeps the center from “creeping”……then skip over the last st of the rnd……

  52. Tia Says:

    I love your work

  53. Thank you so much!

  54. Joyce Says:

    I made the cowboy hat and vest and am ready to start on the boots!!! They are so cute and so easy, I have printed off many of your patterns, Can I sell the things I make from your patterns? I have many friends interested in getting things for their children, grandchildren, but thought I better check with you first. I am 72 years old and cannot work with the fine yarns but these yarns are easier to use.

    Thank you so much for your website.

  55. LOL….my goal is easy and I’m so glad that it is easy for you too! Please feel free to sell anything that you make using my patterns. It’s truly a wonderful compliment that others like my style! Best Wishes,

  56. Marilyn Henry Says:

    I’m a beginner on trying to make booties for AG doll’s. On your white boot pattern I’m having trouble.In working in the back loop’s you have to turn your work,right?

  57. no……just join, ch1 and continue the next rnd in the same direction….you will start turning at rnd 9.

  58. Christy Says:

    these are so cute

  59. Shannon Says:

    One of my first big crochet projects (other than washcloths and coasters) and they turned out super cute! Awesome instructions!

  60. Fantastic! Onward and Upward!

  61. rejeana hill Says:

    I am confused on rnd 7. It says 4 times. What do we do 4 times? The 8 sc and 2 scdec or just the 2 scdec?

  62. oops…..typed the parentheses in wrong spot……..(scdec over next 2 sc) 4 times……..

  63. rejeana hill Says:

    I am still confused as to what we do 4 times in rnd 7. Just The scdec over the next 2 sc or the whole part of sc in first 8 sc and the scdec over the next 2 sc.


  64. rejeana hill Says:

    Never mind i figured it out that it means do the scdec 4 times.

    Now to figure out step 8 for the ledt boot!

  65. Fasten off at end of row 7.

    Rnd. 8: start with a ch3, then attach yarn with a slst in 5th sc (count 4 sc from where you joined rnd. 7 on shoe and attach the yarn there), then ch1, sc in same st and sc in each sc around, ch1, turn. 20 sc This creates the off-center flap……

  66. tammy Says:

    Thank you for sharing your pattern for the agd boots. I have been looking for an easy pattern to make for my granddaughters american girls dolls. I have five granddaughters so I’ll be busy making these for them for Christmas! Thanks again!

  67. It’s always my pleasure…..LOL…..that’s how I got hooked……5 granddaughters too!

  68. Dianne Says:

    I love this pattern. Thank you so much for providing it for free. I can’t wait to see what else you have.

  69. You’re so sweet! It’s my pleasure! Happy huntin’ and hookin’!

  70. Barbara Says:

    Hi I just bought your outfit “at the hip” .The set with the poodle or phone on the skirt..I was wondering if I have any problems is there a way to contact you if I get stuck? I am hoping is there a way to use thinner yarn instead of the cotton,and I would like to put a shih tzu on the skirt,I don’t suppose you have a pattern for a shih tzu that would fit on the dress instead of a poodle? Thank you for such wonderful patterns!

  71. You can contact me at…..I don’t have a pattern for a shih tzu, but you may be able to find a sew on patch at a craft store like Hobby Lobby or an online craft store. You should be able to use a size 1 sock yarn instead of cotton. Since the skirt is worked with 2 strands, a lightweight baby yarn (size 2) worked with one strand should work for that…..the other items that are worked with one strand would require a size 1 yarn.

  72. Rosemarie Breitenstein Says:

    Thank you so much for the AG Button Boots free pattern. I would like to make the boots for my granddaughter’s 13″ doll. Does anyone know how to reduce this pattern to that size. Is there a software program that can do that ? Thanks for your help.
    Rosemarie You can reach me at

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