A Flower A Day-Rose-Free Pattern

Rose and Small Rose

rose rose-2 rose-3

Free PDF download available at:  download now

Skill Level:  Easy

Supplies: Size 10 cotton crochet thread; size B/1/2.25mm crochet hook, (or size 3 steel crochet hook for smaller size flower)

This pattern can also be completed using size 20 cotton crochet thread using a size 6 or size 10 steel crochet hook.

Stitches Used: slst (slip stitch), ch (chain), sc (single crochet), dc (double crochet).

Gauge will vary depending on size of hook and thread.

Directions-Small Rose:

Rnd. 1: ch16, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across; ch3, turn.    15 sc

Rnd. 2: dc in same st; *2dc in next sc*; repeat from *to* 13 times; ch3, turn.    30 dc

Rnd. 3: dc in same st; *2dc in next dc*; repeat from *to* 28 times; ch3, turn.    60 dc

Rnd. 4: dc in same st, skip next dc, *sc, ch2, dc in next dc, skip next dc*; repeat from *to* across; fasten off.


Rnd. 1: ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch from hook, join with slst to beginning sc.     6 sc

Rnd. 2: ch1; *2sc in next sc*; repeat from *to* 5 times.     12 sc

Rnd. 3: ch1, sc in each sc; join with slst to beginning sc.   12 sc

Rnd. 4: *ch3, slst in next sc*; repeat from *to* around, join with slst; fasten off.


Tightly roll flower, whip stitch in place at bottom as you roll.  Place stem at bottom of flower and tack in place.

Large Rose

Skill Level: Easy

Supplies: Size 10 cotton crochet thread, B/1/2.25mm crochet hook, (or size 3 steel crochet hook for smaller size flower)

This pattern can also be completed using size 20 cotton crochet thread using a size 6 or size 10 steel crochet hook.

Stitches Used: slst (slip stitch), ch (chain), sc (single crochet), dc (double crochet), tr (treble), dtr (double treble).

Gauge will vary depending on size of hook and thread.



Rnd. 1: ch31, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across; ch3, turn.    30 sc

Rnd. 2: dc in same st; *2dc in next sc*; repeat from *to* across; ch3, turn.   60 dc

Rnd. 3: ch3, dc in same st; 2dc in next 19 sc; 2tr in next 20 dc; 2dtr in next 20 dc; ch3, turn.

Rnd. 4: dc in same st; skip next 2 dc; *sc, ch2, dc in next st; skip next 2 st*; repeat from *to* across; fasten off.


Rnd. 1: ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch from hook, join with slst to beginning sc.     6 sc

Rnd. 2: ch1; *2sc in next sc*; repeat from *to* 5 times.     12 sc

Rnd. 3: ch1, sc in each sc; join with slst to beginning sc.   12 sc

Rnd. 4: repeat rnd. 3.   12 sc

Rnd. 5: *ch3, slst in next sc*; repeat from *to* around, join with slst; fasten off.


Tightly roll flower, whip stitch in place at bottom as you roll.  Place stem at bottom of flower and tack in place.

© 2008 Pattern may not be reprinted, republished or resold without express written permission.




5 Comments on “A Flower A Day-Rose-Free Pattern”

  1. […] 5-Petal Flower 5-Petal Flower 8 Petal Flower A Flower A Day-Carnation A Flower A Day-Chrysanthemum A Flower A Day-Rose A Frothy Flower A Lovely Bunch of Flowers A Rose for Mother A Rose for Mother African Violets […]

  2. brenoreo Says:

    Very nice site.

  3. Thank you so much!

  4. virginia Says:

    I have been looking for a small rose. Thank you for all the time you spend doing this.

  5. Always my pleasure! Thank you so much for your kind words. Happy Hookin”!

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